Monday, January 31, 2011

Top 10 Ways to Evaluate a Cosmetic Dentist

In an earlier post, I shared some of the ways I evaluate your smile to determine the best cosmetic dental plan for your needs and desire for a beautiful new smile.

Today I want to share some of the ways you can evaluate me! Changing your smile is an exciting, life-changing event. The outcome is central to many important areas of your life. Your confidence and sense of self. Your openness to the world. Your inner peace and relaxation. Not to mention your overall dental health. Therefore it's essential to find a dentist you can trust to understand both the aesthetics and health of your teeth.

Here are steps you can take when evaluating cosmetic dentists. Enjoy the process. I look forward to meeting you and sharing my best recommendations for creating your beautiful new smile.

  1. Get Referrals  Best are from friends and social websites such as Yelp! and Dr. Oogle where people share their experiences in detail.
  2. Evaluate the Website Compare credentials, educational background and before and after photos. Beware of hype!
  3. Compare  Contact at least three dentists to begin with and make appointments for an evaluation – and keep all three appointments.
  4. Communicate   Share what changes you want to make – this post on evaluating your smile will help you think it through.
  5. Bring Photos! Of you and of smiles you admire. Maybe you want to restore features of your smile that have been damaged. Maybe you want a visual aid to look at as you discuss a new smile. And maybe someone else has a smile you've always loved.
  6. Bring x-rays or study models  If you happen to have these, please bring them to your appointment.
  7. Ask questions
    1. Does the dentist have photographs of patients with conditions similar to yours
    2. Does the dentist use computer imaging to design your smile.
    3. Will the dentist give you a preview of your smile.
    4. If you have dental fears, is the dentist an expert in gentle dental techniques.
    5. Who are the assistants and technicians that will assist the dentist.
    6. How much of the work will be done by the dentist vs. his technicians. '
    7. How many patients does the dentist work on at the same time.
  8. Listen It's easy to get caught up in a 'sell' situation. Have fun and enjoy the excitement of discussing your new smile, but at the same time, think about what's being said – and what might not be said.
  9. Discuss fees  Be up-front if you have budget restrictions, but be careful of shopping for bargains or you might be opening yourself up to corrective work in the future.
  10. Be early or on time This recommendation is for you, not the dental office. You want to be relaxed and focused so you can get the information you need to make the decision that's best for you.
Posted by Beverly Hills Dentist 
Expert Dental Care. Gentle Dental Techniques. 
Exceptional Cosmetic Dentist. Extraordinary Whole Life Dentist.
Dedicated to your health and well-being. 
Call or email today!
8920 Wilshire Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA  90211
Insurance Accepted

Friday, January 28, 2011

Gum Disease: Serious Infection That Can Lead to Tooth Loss

Did you know that periodontal disease is a chronic bacterial infection? It is. In fact, it's a particularly nasty infection that affects the gums and bone that hold your teeth in place.

Periodontal disease begins with dental plaque – that sticky, colorless film that constantly forms on your teeth. Because plaque contains bacteria, it causes the gums to become inflamed - just as an infected cut on your finger would become swollen and inflamed. If that happens, you have a case of periodontal disease.

There are two types of periodontal disease: Gingivitis and Periodontitis.

Gingivitis. The mildest form of periodontal disease is Gingivitis. It causes the gums to become red, swollen, and bleed easily and is typically caused by inadequate oral hygiene. There is usually little or no discomfort at this stage, and gingivitis can be reversed with  professional treatment and good oral home care. Nonetheless, gingivitis is serious, because it can – and too often does – lead to periodontitis.

Periodontitis. With time, bacteria-filled plaque can spread below the gum line. Toxins produced by that bacteria irritate the gums, stimulating a chronic inflammatory response in which the body in essence turns on itself. In the process, the tissues and bone that support the teeth are broken down and destroyed. As that occurs, gums separate from the teeth, forming "pockets" of space between the teeth and gums that become infected. As the disease progresses, the pockets deepen and more gum tissue and bone are destroyed. This destructive process often has only the mildest of symptoms, but extremely serious results. Left untreated, teeth can become loose and may have to be removed.

Periodontal Disease is Preventable and Treatable

Just as gum disease starts with plaque, it can end with it, too. Plaque is removed every time you brush your teeth, and plaque that has managed to build up anyway can be safely removed when you have your regular dental cleanings. 

If you've waited too long in between cleanings and gum disease has developed, it is treatable. But sooner is definitely better. I invite you to contact our dental office today to schedule a professional dental cleaning. Our hygienists are gentle and thorough, and following your cleaning, I will conduct a thorough exam. We'll see if this disease is present, how far it has progressed, and map out a treatment plan that will return you to optimum dental health.

Posted by Beverly Hills Dentist 
Expert Dental Care. Gentle Dental Techniques. 
Exceptional Cosmetic Dentist. Extraordinary Whole Life Dentist.
Dedicated to your health and well-being. 
Call or email today!
8920 Wilshire Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA  90211
Insurance Accepted

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Medications and Dental Health

Did you know that some medications can lead to negative effects on your teeth? The list is longer than you might think. For your convenience, I've provided a basic overview below along with links to more detailed resources. I invite you to contact my Los Angeles Dental office to discuss your specific medication questions.

The ill effects of medication on your teeth don't often reverse themselves, but fortunately they can be reversed with proper dental care. I have helped a number of patients restore their dental health and smile aesthetics using a variety of dental treatments, including dental cleanings, whitening techniques, and such cosmetic dental work as porcelain veneers, porcelain crowns and even dental implants.

If your doctor has prescribed treatment with any new medication, be sure to ask about potential dental side effects. You are also welcome to call my office for information. In addition, drinking at least 64 ounces water and maintaining regular dental checkups every 3 to 4 months can help treat these conditions and even prevent them from occurring in the first place.

If you or someone you know has begun hiding their smile because medication has damaged their teeth, please share this information and contact my Beverly Hills dental practice for a consultation.  Together, we'll create the open, confident and healthy smile everyone deserves.
            Common Side Effects and Causes
            Learn more

Dry Mouth (xerostomia): When the mouth becomes overly dry, the pH is decreased, which causes and increase in plaque formation, which creates an increased risk of tooth decay. Certain antidepressants, antipsychotics, sedatives, antihistamines and illegal recreational drugs can cause this side effect.

Gum Tissue Overgrowth (gingival hyperplasi): This condition ranges from red and puffy gums to serious overgrowth and can lead to gingival bleeding, pain, teeth displacement, and periodontal disease. Calcium channel blockers, a class of medications commonly used in treating hypertension, and some anti-seizure medications can cause this side effect.

Tooth Discoloration: Certain medications can cause teeth to become a greenish gray or a bluish gray and the condition typically doesn't disappear on its own after the medication has been discontinued. Antibiotics such as amoxicillin, tetracycline and minocycline can cause this side effect.

Posted by Beverly Hills Dentist 
Expert Dental Care. Gentle Dental Techniques. 
Dedicated to your health and well-being. 
Call or email today!
8920 Wilshire Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA  90211
Insurance Accepted

NOTE: The information contained herein is intended for educational purposes only.  It is not intended and should not be construed as the delivery of dental or medical care and is not a substitute for personal hands on dental or  medical attention, diagnosis or treatment. 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Myths About Dental Implants

In spite of the fact that dental implants have been used successfully by qualified dentists for more than 40 years, there's a surprising amount of incorrect and negative information out there.

Here are three of the most common myths patients mention when we discuss the option of tooth implants – and the reality I then share with them. I invite you to contact my Los Angeles Dental office today to discuss your dental implant needs.

1. Dental implants are painful.
False. In fact, after having dental implants placed, the majority of my patients tell me it was easier than they thought it would be. When considering dental implants, I recommend your main consideration be whether or not the procedure will give you the best result for your unique situation. For the procedure itself, I recommend IV sedation dentistry, after which most patients only need Tylenol and/or Advil. For those who are more susceptible to pain, I can prescribe a stronger painkiller such as Vicodin.

2. Dental Implants are expensive!
Again, false. Comparing long-term costs, having an implant is much less expense than a bridge because a bridge will be replaced every 7 -15 years whereas a dental implant will most likely never need to be replaced. In terms of short term costs, dental implants are roughly the same cost as an average 3-tooth bridge.

3. Dental implants take a long time!
For me – and the majority of my patients – this, too, is false. Implant placement typically spans takes 4 to 16 weeks, with a significant portion of that time spent simply waiting for the bone to heal around the post. During that period, you will have a natural-looking, firmly set, temporary tooth in place. I recommend comparing the time to that of a typical bridge which takes 3 to 6 weeks, while also factoring the benefits of an implant vs. a bridge.

I've made implants a specialty in my dental practice simply because they are so often the best solution to my patients' needs. If you think this option might be appropriate for you, please contact my office for a consultation.

Posted by Beverly Hills Dentist 
Expert Dental Care. Gentle Dental Techniques. 
Dedicated to your health and well-being. 
Call or email today!
8920 Wilshire Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA  90211
Insurance Accepted

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cosmetic Contouring: A Simple Way to Smooth Rough Edges

Cosmetic contouring is a cost-effective way to repair small chips or fractures in your teeth. This minimally invasive approach can work for you if:

  • You have a very small fracture or chip in your tooth
  • You can to invest a minimal amount of time and money to repair it
  • And your teeth are long enough that contouring won't make them too short, worn or aged
With cosmetic contouring, there is no anesthetic required, although our practice still offers options to patients who have dental fears.

In addition, contouring is an excellent finishing touch. If, for example, you are having one or more of your teeth treated with veneers or crowns or bonding, I will often cosmetically contour adjacent or opposing teeth to create an attractive and harmonious smile line.

Contouring is definitely not appropriate for all situations, but where it is appropriate, it's a fantastic treatment.

My goal is to let patients know they have options. Never think you have to settle for a smile that is less than you want it to be. Always feel free to make an appointment to discuss your options. I can tell you – based on thousands of procedures – that there is nothing as exciting and empowering as the confidence you get from finally achieving a full, complete, youthful and  beautiful bright white smile.

Posted by Beverly Hills Dentist 
Expert Dental Care. Gentle Dental Techniques. 
Dedicated to your health and well-being. 
Call or email today!
8920 Wilshire Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA  90211
Insurance Accepted

Monday, January 17, 2011

Art, Architecture, Mathematics, Music, Philosophy, Tree Branches and A-List Smiles

What do they have in common? The Golden Proportion. Also known as the Golden Mean, Golden Ratio, and de divinia proportione, or the Divine Proportion. The most pleasing geometric relationship of parts to a whole.

Put simply, great minds throughout history have recognized a basic set of proportions that are common to all things of uncommon beauty, both natural and man-made.

When I work with you to bring out your best Signature Smile, my vision is guided by this time-tested artistic principle. Here's a list of some of the areas I focus on when I evaluate smiles.