Monday, February 21, 2011

Bruxism Bites

Brusixm is involuntary grinding or clenching of the teeth. 

You may do this at night while sleeping. And you might even be grinding or clenching during the day without realizing it.

Bruxism is a serious issue that creates a domino effect of problems. 

  • Bruxism typically causes teeth to become worn down.
  • Teeth that are worn down often become misaligned.
  • Misaligned teeth can cause spasms in your facial muscles
  • Facial spasms can then create misalignment of the jaw.
  • Jaw misalignment leads to TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorders
  • TMJ symptoms include headaches, neck pain, back pain and earaches.

All because of grinding your teeth!

There may be several reasons you grind your teeth. Certainly some of those reasons can be stress-related. But it might also be that missing tooth has caused your other teeth to shift. Sometimes an improper restoration has affected your bit. Even destructive habits such as lip or nail biting can lead to misalignment, with or without accompanying grinding.

Bottom line: grinding is a serious condition. The good news is that it can easily be treated, typically with a dental appliance you will wear while sleeping or full time, depending on the situation. If you know you are grinding your teeth, or if you notice your teeth have become worn down, please make an appointment with our dental practice. We'll fix the situation before it creates a serious problem for you.

Posted by Beverly Hills Dentist 
Expert Dental Care. Gentle Dental Techniques. 
Dedicated to your health and well-being. 
Call or email today!
8920 Wilshire Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA  90211
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Friday, February 18, 2011

Dental Bridges: The Fix Is In

Fixed dental bridges, also called fixed partial dentures, are used to replace missing teeth and gum tissue. They are typically made of porcelain with an underlying substructure of ceramic or metal, and are attached to neighboring teeth and cemented into place. The goal is to make the artificial teeth in the bridge look as natural as possible, so you definitely want a dentist who is experienced at esthetics.

Generally speaking, if you're missing a tooth or even several teeth, and you have sufficient bone, dental implants are the best option as they provide a fixed, lifelong solution that most closely resembles your natural teeth.

But a fixed bridge may be the best option for you if the following conditions exist.

  • You have economic or health reasons that prevent you from getting implants.
  • You want an option that last longer and looks better than removable bridges.
  • You don't mind having adjacent teeth crowned so they can serve as an anchor for the fixed bridge.

If you are missing teeth or a single tooth, or if you are dissatisfied with previous treatments you've had for missing teeth, I invite you to contact our office. Explain your situation to Cami Green, our office coordinator, and she'll set you up with an appointment. Together we'll settle on the best 'fix' for your dental situation.

Posted by Beverly Hills Dentist 
Expert Dental Care. Gentle Dental Techniques. 
Dedicated to your health and well-being. 
Call or email today!
8920 Wilshire Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA  90211
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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Inner Peace Creates Outer Beauty

One of the key reasons people come to me for cosmetic dental improvements is they feel that their outside appearance doesn't match the way they feel inside. In those cases, cosmetic dentistry creates a wholeness that brings new life and spark to every aspect of the patient's life.

Other times, I've created beautiful smiles, perfectly suited to a patient's physiology, but something still isn't quite right. Often the reason has more to do with psychology. Stress, anxiety and fatigue are all-too-common in these difficult times, and these inner conditions definitely affect both inner and outer beauty. In addition, even temporary bouts of these types of tensions can cause early aging.

If you're struggling with tension, consider these calming techniques.

  • Smile. That's right, smile. Even if you don't feel happy or upbeat or even the least bit pleasant. Take a private moment for yourself – simply by turning away if that's all your situation allows. Then close your eyes, take a deep breath, and bring the corners of your mouth up into a smile. Hold it. Feel the immediate change in your state. Allow yourself this one moment of peace. It will help restore your ability to navigate challenges that come your way.

  • Be grateful. Even in the most complicated and challenging circumstances, life offers magnificence and much to be grateful for. So when you are overwhelmed by problems, make sure to find time to appreciate the positives as well. In other words, take a break from your problems. Take a walk. Write in a journal. Listen to music. Laugh at television. Read a book. Play with your children. Hold hands with your partner. Cuddle with a pet. Take a nap. Breathe in and out, turn the corners of your mouth up into a smile and feel grateful.

  • Choose to be interested. Another effective technique for dealing with tensions is to develop interests. Mentor. Volunteer. Learn something new. Develop a positive passion. Contribute to positive conversations online.  People who are active in creating an interesting life for themselves are happier and healthier than those who are bored and disinterested in themselves and others. Not only with this approach help you through difficult times, it helps you create a rich and full life where problems become bumps in the road you navigate efficiently, because your focus is so much larger.

  • Be healthy. Invest in yourself through proper rest, exercise, good hydration, nourishment and personal care. The effort is worth your time. You are worth the effort.

Posted by Beverly Hills Dentist 
Expert Dental Care. Gentle Dental Techniques. 
Dedicated to your health and well-being. 
Call or email today!
8920 Wilshire Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA  90211
Insurance Accepted

Monday, February 7, 2011

Mind the Gap: Special Occasion Smiles

Many people love their smile, gaps and all. Madonna immediately comes to mind. And there's Anna Pacquin, Brendan Fraser and 1980s supermodel Lauren Hutton. But these celebrities also had occasions when they wanted their smile to appear full and complete with no gaps.

So if you sometimes want a unbroken row of white teeth - but don't have the time or interest in permanently closing a gap between your teeth – I can help you out by creating a "special occasion smile."

A removable acrylic overlay is a device I can form from thin acrylic or plastic that will snap into place, cover the space between your teeth, and seamlessly blend in with adjacent teeth. This technique was commonly used before dental bonding was developed, particularly by models, actors. It's an inexpensive alternative that works particularly well if you are being photographed or have a special event coming up.

While the overlay looks attractive from a distance, you do need to keep in mind it is a temporary, short-term appliance with some downsides. The overlay is made of plastic and is kept as thin as possible, but it still adds a bit of bulk to your natural teeth. That same thinness makes it difficult to create a 100% natural look and makes the overlay susceptible to fracture. Overlays can also become discolored and eating with it can be difficult.

The positives are an inexpensive price and a great ability to hide spaces for special occasions. So if you'd like to have a special occasion smile – or if you'd like an easy way to see how you'd look without your gap – contact me and we'll discuss a removable acrylic overlay.

Posted by Beverly Hills Dentist 
Expert Dental Care. Gentle Dental Techniques. 
Dedicated to your health and well-being. 
Call or email today!
8920 Wilshire Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA  90211
Insurance Accepted

Friday, February 4, 2011

Tap-3 Times If You're Tired of Snoring

I am passionate about improving the lives of my patients – and many of them are troubled by snoring. Sometimes their own snoring; sometimes the snoring of their partner. Fortunately, I've found a device that alleviates this problem.

The Thornton Adjustable Positioner®  - or TAP®-3 - is an oral appliance that is worn while sleeping to help reduce snoring or treat sleep apnea. 

Much like an athletic mouth guard, the simple design of the TAP®-3 reduces both snoring and sleep apnea.

Put simply, the TAP holds your lower jaw, or mandible, forward while you sleep, which prevents the soft tissue in your throat from blocking your airway. 

You see, the loud and noisy sounds of snorting are caused by vibrations in the soft tissue structures located at the back of the throat. The palate, uvula and tonsils can flap against each other if a person has too much tissue at the back of their mouth, or if the air passageway to the back of their throat is somehow obstructed.

The Tap-3 is comprised of an upper and lower tray that I will fit to your mouth. The upper tray and lower trays are attached by a socket that I will adjust to ensure your sleep is comfortable and quiet. Just a few weeks of treatment makes a tremendous difference! And if you begin to snore again, you'll be able get right back on track by adjusting the TAP yourself.

You'll also be pleased to know the TAP is covered by medical insurance as durable medical equipment and prostheses. So even if you don’t have dental coverage you may be eligible for the TAP.

Learn all about the TAP and then make an appointment to get fitted. We'll have you – and your love - sleeping like babies in no time.

Posted by Beverly Hills Dentist 
Expert Dental Care. Gentle Dental Techniques. 
Exceptional Cosmetic Dentist.
Dedicated to your health and well-being. 
Call or email today!
8920 Wilshire Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA  90211
Insurance Accepted

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Smoking and Periodontal Disease

Inflammation and Discoloration

Most people are aware of typical medical problems associated with smoking, such as lung disease, cancer, heart disease and low-birth-weight in infants.

But I want you to realize another real and significant threat to smokers: periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease is essentially a chronic, open infection in your mouth. Smoking worsens this very serious dental condition by damaging the natural process your body uses to fight the periodontal infection.

Research has shown that smokers are four times more likely to have advanced periodontal disease, and are twice as likely to lose their teeth because of it.

Periodontal disease begins with calculus, which is dental plaque that hardens on your teeth and can only be removed by a professional cleaning. If it isn't removed, it will continue to build up, not only on visible portions of your teeth, but below the gum line, too. 

Once it reaches below the bum line, the bacteria in the calculus can destroy your gum tissue and cause your gums to pull away from your teeth. These spaces are called periodontal "pockets" and they fill with disease-causing bacteria that destroy tissue and supporting bone. At that point, the gums can shrink away from the teeth making them look longer, and left untreated, cause teeth to become loose, painful and even fall out.

And there's more. Cigarette smoke contains over  4000 harsh, damaging chemicals – including formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, ammonia and arsenic – and those chemicals can slow down the healing process. So even if you've had periodontal treatment - or any type of oral surgery – smoking can severely compromise the results.

We hope this information will help you find the strength to stop smoking. But even if you don't stop, please come in for a cleaning as soon as possible. We'll welcome you and develop a treatment plan of frequent cleanings and regular pocket measurements to make certain we protect your health against this serious condition.

Posted by Beverly Hills Dentist 
Expert Dental Care. Gentle Dental Techniques. 
Exceptional Cosmetic Dentist. Extraordinary Whole Life Dentist.
Dedicated to your health and well-being. 
Call or email today!
8920 Wilshire Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA  90211
Insurance Accepted