Monday, February 21, 2011

Bruxism Bites

Brusixm is involuntary grinding or clenching of the teeth. 

You may do this at night while sleeping. And you might even be grinding or clenching during the day without realizing it.

Bruxism is a serious issue that creates a domino effect of problems. 

  • Bruxism typically causes teeth to become worn down.
  • Teeth that are worn down often become misaligned.
  • Misaligned teeth can cause spasms in your facial muscles
  • Facial spasms can then create misalignment of the jaw.
  • Jaw misalignment leads to TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorders
  • TMJ symptoms include headaches, neck pain, back pain and earaches.

All because of grinding your teeth!

There may be several reasons you grind your teeth. Certainly some of those reasons can be stress-related. But it might also be that missing tooth has caused your other teeth to shift. Sometimes an improper restoration has affected your bit. Even destructive habits such as lip or nail biting can lead to misalignment, with or without accompanying grinding.

Bottom line: grinding is a serious condition. The good news is that it can easily be treated, typically with a dental appliance you will wear while sleeping or full time, depending on the situation. If you know you are grinding your teeth, or if you notice your teeth have become worn down, please make an appointment with our dental practice. We'll fix the situation before it creates a serious problem for you.

Posted by Beverly Hills Dentist 
Expert Dental Care. Gentle Dental Techniques. 
Dedicated to your health and well-being. 
Call or email today!
8920 Wilshire Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA  90211
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